
Showing posts from February, 2020

Two Weeks in Costa Rica Part 1: Three days in Costa Rica

There's a really well known (and super useful) blog called Two Weeks in Costa Rica. I think they called it that because they originally came on holiday for a fortnight (and then they kept coming back and eventually birthed a child or two here). I thought it would be good to tell you about some of the things we did in our first two weeks in Costa Rica: Day One : We are HERE! The sun is shining in San José!! When we drove down to Heathrow there was horizontal rain, terrible wind and it was cold, cold in your bones cold. We pick up our ridiculous hire car and drive ten minutes to a hotel. There is a pool. We drink cocktails. There are butterflies and dragonflies, we see a parrot in a tree. It's 27 degrees C. We've been travelling for 37 hours. We pass out. Day Two : We have amazing, delicious breakfast. It is fried banana, rice and beans, fresh pineapple, papaya and watermelon. Why have I never had this before? We swim, we eat crisps made out of bananas. I get the impres