
Showing posts from September, 2020

Iris & The Strong Lady

For Iris' birthday last year - when she was three - we went to the fabulous  Just So  family arts festival.  We made fox costumes and Tom's parents and my sister Charlotte and niece Amelia came for a day to celebrate Iris' birthday and it was So Much Fun.  At the festival it was super muddy because it really rained the first day we got there, but there was a really good spirit. We went to see the amazing Biscuithead and the Biscuit Badgers - check out their song David Attenborough below - it's SO good. When they sang "David" half the crowd had to stick their arms in the air and when they sang "Attenborough" the other half had to do it. It was brilliant and they are worth checking out. They also have songs about soy milk and one about cheese and another one about a weird uncle! Also one that is just Shut Up! a lot :D Around the field where the stage was, various acts were going on; acrobatics and dance and circus type things. We got drawn to a crowd w

Y una mujer!

Before the Pan-American highway was put in, the road past our house in Quizarrá was apparently the main way to get to the south. This is laughable when you know this bumpy, untarmacked "road" (we'd call it a track back home I think), but understandable when you think that when Skutch first came to that area in the 40s, the only way to get in was by plane or by taking a horse over the mountains and through  the rivers. You'd either ride the horse through or wade through yourself and lead the horse over - the former was usually safer as obviously horses are bigger and stronger, and alright at swimming it turns out. (In fact-checking this I came across this very sweet article " Can Horses Swim ?"). I suppose equally it is unimaginable to me that there were ever no motorways in the UK, but they are a relatively new invention and certainly many didn't exist when my folks were young.  Lis & Warren, the owners of that house-sit, told us that for the whole t